This is exercise creates upper body mobility and lower stability in the Tall Kneeling position.
Deadlift Double Leg Single Arm with One KB
This exercise shows rotational stability against an asymmetrical load and serves as a preparation for the single arm kettlebell swing.
- Starting Position:
- Symmetrical Stance
With a stool or platform in place, stand over it with the feet approximately shoulder width apart. Begin in a neutral stance position with the ear, shoulder, hip, and knee in proper alignment with the arms resting comfortably in front.
Begin to perform a hip hinge pattern by flexing at the hips while maintaining a neutral spine. Once both hands are near the weights, grasp both of them tightly to promote spinal stability. Engage the hamstrings by slightly raising the hips, so that the
knees are verticle. Once the hamstrings feel taught, begin to extend the hips forward until proper posture is achieved. Throughout the movement, make sure the head and neck are neutral and there is no rounding of the back.
When lowering the weights back to the stool or platform, it should be performed the same way as when picking up the weight
Related Exercises
This is an exercise to improve strength in the deadlift and serves as a preparation drill for the double arm swing.
This exercise patterns the hip hinge in order to improve deadlift mechanics.
This exercise provides assistance for increasing mobility of the squat pattern.