This exercise patterns the hip hinge in order to improve deadlift mechanics.
Tall Kneeling KB Halo
This is exercise creates upper body mobility and lower stability in the Tall Kneeling position.
- Starting Position:
- Tall Kneeling
Setup: Begin in the Tall kneeling posture by placing both knees on the ground just wider than your hips, your lower legs remain parallel, and your ankles are plantar flexed. Your pelvis remains in a neutral stacked position with a tall spine, and your shoulder and hips remain squared off.
Action: Grab a kettlebell by the handles and flip it upside down. Next, slowly start the move the kettlebell around your head making sure the kettlebell moves a dn not your head.
Return: Return to the start position and repeat in the other direction.
Related Exercises
This self-limiting exercise helps to expose a lack of motor control and bilateral asymmetries in the Tall Kneeling position.
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