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Posted by Gray Cook
Gray remarks on how the Keiser Triple Trainer doesn't have a momentum problem to help with the speed of the pull, resulting in an overall quiet machine. The Keiser is also easy to use and adjustable. Gray tells Joe Heiler how beneficial the Kieser is in working on PNF patterns, doing proper hip hinging, deadlifts, chop patterns, and much more.
Inside with Gray Cook is a 13-part series where Joe Heiler from SportsRehabExpert.com grabs an interview and in-depth tour of Gray's new clinic in his home town of Chatham, VA.
Posted by Gray Cook
Posted by FMS
Thank you for sharing, Gray. I have tried it before and it's versatility, space economy, and less maintenance is worth the price for any gym--even a home gym. A client wanted to buy several pieces of gym equipment for his garage gym, and I suggested that
he really just needed ONE commercial piece, whether it's the Kieser or Freemotion--for the same price or less. And there is no sitting.
"Invest in open space in the garage," I had told him (which cost him $0).