This self-limiting exercise helps to expose a lack of motor control and bilateral asymmetries in the Tall Kneeling position.
Push-up Walkout
The pushup walkout is a dynamic motor control drill for lumbopelvic control and spinal stability using a changing base of support.
- Starting Position:
- Pushup
The pushup walkout is a dynamic motor control drill for lumbopelvic control and spinal stability using a changing base of support.
Set-up: The pushup walkout begins by having the individual standing with feet shoulder width apart and perform a toe touch allowing the knees to bend so you can reach the floor with the hands flat.
Action: Then walk your hands out to a stable plank position, keeping a stable back and not hyperextending. Make sure the surface is a non-slip surface for this exercise.
Return: Maintain a stable plank position, hinge at the hips and walk the hands back toward the feet and return to standing position.
Related Exercises
This is exercise creates upper body mobility and lower stability in the Tall Kneeling position.
This self-limiting exercise helps to expose a lack of motor control and bilateral asymmetries in the half Kneeling position.