Introduction to the Modified FMS

Written by Lee Burton Video

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Modified FMS

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) has given us a better perspective on human movement for almost 20 years. We’ve seen its benefits within all activity levels from the ages 7 to 70, however, some have been concerned that the FMS may not be appropriate for all populations. The need for a screen that still gives the necessary information, yet is suitable for certain individuals who may not be ready for some of the movements in the FMS has not been overlooked. We understood the desire for a screen that will give them utility and knowledge without overly taxing positions or making a client feel intimidated.

Over the past few years, we’ve been studying vasts amounts of data from the FMS and Y-Balance Test as well as feedback from many professionals. We have taken all of this information and have developed a Modified FMS. We believe this modified version will still give you a great movement baseline when developing programs for some individuals.

The Modified FMS is a special purpose distillation of the FMS and YBT and when used as such can vet mobility, and functional motor control. It will give you the option to gauge movement ability in individuals who may warrant a less demanding movement screen. We will always recommend a full FMS, however, we understand this may not always be a practical option for some.

To access the Modified FMS:

If you have purchased the FMS Online Level 1 course, the Modified FMS will be in the appendix section of the course. Navigate to Education and Click My Courses.

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  • author

    Sue Hulsebusch 2/28/2017 3:33:47 PM

    How do I access the course for the modified FMS? I went to my account but could not find it. Thank you for your help. 

  • author

    Diego Spinelli 2/28/2017 3:33:47 PM

    I took the classroom course in 2013, can I get this access? Att.

  • author

    Kyle Barrow FMS 3/15/2017 8:44:19 PM

    The Modified FMS is available to all active certified members who have previously attended a live Level 1 course. If you do not have an active account and wish to reactivate your membership, please follow this link

  • author

    Marsha Dorman 3/15/2017 8:43:51 PM

    How do I access the course for the modified FMS? I went to my account but could not find it. Thank you for your help. 

  • author

    Katherine Sierra 3/15/2017 8:43:51 PM

    Thank you for this. I just went through it in the 'appendix' section of my FMS 1 online course and it's excellent and helpful info. Also, excited about the MCS on it's own too. 

  • author

    Galy O'Connor 3/15/2017 8:43:51 PM

    I have enrolled to do Level 1 and 2 in Sydney later on in the year..can I do the modified component now? Is it included in the Full Level 1 and 2

  • author

    David Pierce 3/15/2017 8:43:51 PM

    In the Modified functional movement screen score sheet there is an ASLR clearing test, i do not find the protocols for it anywhere, am i overlooking it somewhere? can i get some clarification on it please.

  • author

    Guy Kingston 3/15/2017 8:43:50 PM

    I am unable to access the modified FMS online course in My Course area. Can you please let me know how to access it?
    Many thanks

  • author

    Björn Buttler 4/5/2017 1:01:09 PM

    Same Problem here. I really would like to take a closer look at the new test but cannot find it. I also did FMS Level1 cert.

  • author

    Bruno Santos 6/13/2017 7:50:23 PM

    Hi What relationship between MCS and FMS? What information MCS tell me to completed my FMS test? My dificulty is understand how this system work together with FMS? How i can do a bridge and what this can help me understand better the FMS score? And how i correct the result? Thanks for all support


    Pro Demo 6/19/2017 2:20:24 PM

    Bruno, The MCS was derived from Y-Balance test anterior reach and superior lateral reach. After looking at the data we have collected using the Y-Balance test, we asked ourselves if we would look at one direction, what direction would give us the most information. We found that the anterior reach and superior lateral reach captures more valuable information when performed independently. The MCS gives you a quick appraisal of how an individual stabilizes, balance and control their movement through single limb competency – essentially a balance test. It is designed to be used with the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and as the entry point to the Fundamental Capacity Screen. Sounds like you may want to attend our Level 2 course. Hope this clears everything up.