Modifiable Risk Factors Predict Injuries in Firefighters During Training Academies
Written by Kyle Barrow FMS
This article found that during firefighter training academy, the Functional Movement Screen cut score of ≤ 14 was able to discriminate between those at a greater risk for injury.
Deep squat and push up component of the FMS were statistically significant predictors of injury status along with the sit and reach test.
Bulter, R., Contreras, M., Burton, L., Plisky, P., Goode, A., & Kiesel, K. (2011). Modifiable risk factors predict injuries in firefighters during training academies. Work. doi:DOI10.3233/WOR-121545
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Jamie Fox, DPT, OCS, SFMAC, FMSC 7/2/2018 2:04:15 PM
Is it possible to get access to this article for free? Or do we have to pay for it?