Matthew Berenc
Matt Berenc is the Director of Education for the Equinox Fitness Training Institute (EFTI), Equinox’s in-house education department. In his role, Matt oversees the development, curation, and implementation of education to support 2600+ personal trainers. Along with his focus on education, he has spent years training clients ranging from high school and collegiate athletes to general population of all ages. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Missouri, as well as numerous certifications including the NSCA-CSCS, StrongFirst Level 2 Kettlebell Instructor, FMS level 1 and 2 and Titleist Performance Institute Fitness 2. Matt has over 15 years of experience working as both an educator and personal trainer
How to find
Personal Trainer
Titleist Performance Institute (TPI)
Russian Kettlebell Certified (RKC)
Cert St & Cond Specialist (CSCS)
FMS Certified (FMSC)
StrongFirst Girya Level 2 (SFG 2)