Quadruped T-Spine Rotation

This exercise increases T-Spine mobility with minimal low back involvement.

This exercise increases T-Spine mobility with minimal low back involvement.

Setup: Get into a quadruped position with the knees under the hips and the hands under the shoulders with the spine in a neutral position. For the first position, place one hand on the upper back or back of the neck. Do not pull down or put pressure into neck with hand.

Action: Begin to rotate leading with the eyes, head and shoulder as far as possible down toward the hand. Then reverse the motion leading with the eyes, head and shoulder rotating upwards as far as possible. Maintain position of opposite arm with elbow extended while moving in both directions and keep the lumbar, thoracic and cervical aligned during rotation. For second position, change the hand position and place it on the low back with the palm facing up. Repeat the exercise with the hand in this position.

Return: Bring the hand back to the start position under the shoulder returning to the full quadruped position after the exercise.

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