Lunge Forward Single Arm Up with One KB
This is a dynamic lunge movement performed with weights held in the rack position and challenges strength and proprioception in this pattern.
- Starting Position:
- Symmetrical Stance
Grasp a kettlebell in one hand. Curl or clean the weight up to the rack position or have a partner place them onto the front of the shoulder so they are resting comfortably. The wrists must be straight as the weights rest lightly on the forearms.
Lunge forward with the unweighted leg so the foot contacts the ground with the heel and the forefoot. Be sure the big toe and heel are pressing into the floor. Lower the body by flexing the knee and hip of the front leg until the knee of the rear leg
is almost in contact with the floor but does not hit the ground. Return to the original standing position by forcibly extending the hip and knee of the forward leg and pushing up with the rear leg in a scissors type fashion.
Step out with the lead leg only as far as is necessary to attain zero degrees of hip extension of the rear leg. There is no need to take a large step and hyperextend the rear hip and lower back. It is important to keep the spine tall with the head and
neck neutral. Do not allow the upper body to collapse or round at the lower back. The lead knee should point in the same direction as the foot throughout the lunge.