Press Up Breath In

This exercise is designed to improve breathing in a spine extension pattern. The first of two breathing supplements to be used in front of any path.

This exercise is designed to improve breathing in a spine extension pattern. The first of two breathing supplements to be used in front of any path.

Set-up: Lay down on your stomach and place the foam roll flat side up with top edge of foam roll across the ASIS (front hip bones) and main part of foam roll is under the hips. Place your hands out from the chest and spread reasonably wide. Begin to find a neutral pelvis position by tilting your hips forward and backwards. The goal is to have the foam roll level.

Action: While keeping the same neutral hip position, as you begin a normal inhale press up and pushing your chest away from the floor extending your spine. This should feel like a traction of the spine not a compression or pinching feeling. Cycle a couple of deep breaths in this extended position making sure to fully expand the diaphragm.

Return: Return to the start position by lowing into flexion while exhaling your breath until your chest is back down to the ground. Make sure you don’t lose your pelvic position thoughout the exercise.