
This exercise increases thoracic mobility while challenging the opposite anterior hip.

This exercise increases thoracic mobility while challenging the opposite anterior hip.

Set-up: Lie on either side with one knee up on a foam roll or pad to keep the hips stacked, the other down in a neutral position, and the head supported by a foam pad. Take the hand of the arm that is in contact with the ground and grab the knee that is flexed up at belly button height. Take the other hand and grab the ankle of the leg that is behind the back, while keeping the hip in extension. If it is too difficult to grab the ankle then use a towel or strap.

Action: Begin to inhale and on the exhale start to rotate the shoulders away from the up leg. Cycle through this progression 5-10 times until the shoulder is turned as far as possible (coming close to the ground) or until you stop making progress.

Return: After taking 2-3 breaths in the fully rotated position slowly return back to the set-up position.

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