Functional Movement Screen: Study with Professional American Football Players
The purpose of this study was to determine if an off-season intervention program was effective in improving Functional Movement Screen (FMS) scores in professional American football players.
Pre- and post-intervention FMS scores were obtained on 62 subjects who completed a 7-week offseason intervention program. A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the training program on FMS scores. A chi-square was performed to determine if there were a greater number of players who met the injury threshold and if asymmetries were reduced following intervention. Logistic regression was used to predict what factors were associated with failure (post-test score of 14). There was a positive main effect for time (Po0.01) and a greater number of individuals with a score 414 following than intervention.
At post-test, 41 players were free of asymmetry as compared with 31 at the pre-test. The strongest predictor of program failure was a low squat score at pre-test. This study demonstrated that fundamental movement characteristics do change with a standardized intervention. Further research is required to determine if injury risk is reduced when a player’s score improves beyond the established cut-off of 14 and/or asymmetry is resolved.