FMS Corrective Strategies: Balance Patterns

$ 79.00


The ability to balance on one leg can tell us a lot about your movement - that ‘automatic’ balance is an integral part of your gait, and any activity that involves locomotion. In this overview of single leg patterns, Gray Cook dissects balance from the bottom up and explains why balance issues are difficult to coach at the conscious level. Remember this when balance is in question: perception drives behavior.
Gray reviews the different assessments and screens that FMS uses to identify pain and movement dysfunctions and asymmetries within single leg stance patterns and discuss how to separate mobility problems from stability problems. 
The 12 exercises demonstrated are selected to grow balance behavior through perceptive milestones. Gray uses variations of rolling, crawling, toe touches and RNT step ups as exercises that don’t practice the tests and assessments yet are great checks for single-session change.
Course length: 1 hour, 2 minutes

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This course is part of a series that explores the FMS approach to identifying and correcting movement dysfunctions. Other patterns explored include Hip Hinge, Upper Body, Rotation, and Squat. Each details the differences between the FMS assessments and screens - SFMA, FMS, and Symmio, and follows with exercises based on a hierarchy of developmental postures: Supported, Suspended, Stacked, and Standing. The exercises are also structured by the ABCs principle: Awareness, Breathing, and Control, and use Reactive Neuromuscular Training (RNT) to engage motor learning, or as Gray says, “motor remembering”
The addition of Symmio includes an overview of the movement self-screen as well as a discussion of the impact of non-musculoskeletal lifestyle factors on movement health and wellness.
Functional exercise should never cause dysfunction and this FMS Corrective Strategies series, along with the insight into the system you integrate into your work, whether it be  SFMA, FMS, Symmio, or all of our options, provides you with the basics of a test-correct-retest standard operating procedure. Go beyond the body parts and see the importance of patterns for identifying and correcting movement health issues at the edge of ability in a rich sensory environment.

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