Starter Rolling Lower Body to Standing
This is an opportunity to apply what you have learned to a specific task that requires control.
Set-up: Lay on your back with arms comfortably at your sides and your legs extended.
Action: Lift one leg and reach across your body and over your opposite hip to initiate a roll onto your stomach. Your upper body should remain relaxed as you begin this roll and do not use your upper body to help with the roll. As you roll over onto your stomach, with the reaching leg find the ground with the knee and lower leg to begin supporting yourself on the ground. As you continue to roll place the same side elbow as the reaching leg onto the ground followed by the other other elbow. From this position, use your arms to push back and rock your hips backward toward your feet and then get up into a half kneeling stance. Then, from half-kneeling continue upward into a standing position. It is important to note the ease of movement in performing this movement task.
Return: Reverse the movement task from this standing position by lowering yourself back down into a half kneeling position. Bend down and places your hands on the ground to lower yourself under control to the elbow supported position. With the reaching leg, reach back over the opposite leg to roll back onto your back. As the upper body begins to follow the lower body roll, the arm that you are rolling toward, now reaches and slides under the armpit to clear this arm out of the way so that you can roll back onto your back. Again the upper body should trail the lower body movement until you return to the starting position on your back. Repeat the action rolling the other direction. Rate the difficulty between repetitions and note any difference on left and right sides.