Quadruped to Half Kneeling
This control drill allows an opportunity to explore the transition from hands/knees to half kneeling following awareness and breathing drills to enhance the stability challenge.
- Starting Position:
- Quadruped
As you perform this exercise:
Rate your smoothness and control 0 – 10 after the first repetition In this task and then in the subsequent repetitions.
Did you apply what you learned in the awareness and breathing stations?
Set-up: Get on your hands and knees with hands underneath your shoulders and knees underneath your hips. Place one knee on the center of the foam roll round side up and internally rotate the leg so that the foot forms around the inside edge of the foam roll.
Action: While maintaining neutral spine slide your foot back as far as possible and then lift it off the ground. Hold this position for a second and then bring that foot up to your hands so your foot is flat on the ground next to your hand. Take a deep breath and then raise up to the half kneeling position with hands overhead maintaining a tall posture. You should feel your bodyweight supported on the knee on the foam roll. Now cycle a breath.
Return: Return to the start position by place your hands back down on the ground next to your foot and slide your foot back down to the start position. Repeat for desired reps and repeat on the other side.