Toe Mobility
This exercise is designed to improve mobility of the toe joints specifically in the great toe as well of the tissues controlling the toes.
- Starting Position:
- Standing
This exercise is designed to improve mobility of the toe joints specifically in the great toe as well of the tissues controlling the toes.
Set-up: While using two dowels to support balance, place the arch of your foot across the round side up of the half foam roll and balance on a single leg with hip and knee extended.
Action: With the opposite foot point your toes toward the ground and press the toes and top of your foot forward against the half foam roll. You should feel the stretch on the top of the foot and through the toes. Then, with the same foot, slowly step back touching down with toes first, flexing your toes and foot as you put your weight onto this foot. Besure to use the dowels for balance and safety. You should reduce the pressure or discontinue if you feel pain in the toes or foot during this mobility application.
Return: Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and then finish the movement by using the dowels for support and steping back carefully with each foot back to the ground behind the half foam roll.