Cat/Camel Hip Flexed

This is a great exercise to help increase the range of motion for your spine while incorporating the breathing techniques.

Begin in a quadruped position with the hands placed directly underneath the shoulders and the knees placed directly underneath the hips.  Begin by stepping one foot up beside the same side hand and perform a natural breath cycle in the neutral or starting position.  During the next inhale perform a spine extension (cow pose) articulating the spine into a fully extended position from neck to lower back. And pause briefly at the end range of motion. During the exhale perform a spine flexion (cat pose) articulating the spine into a fully flexed position from neck to lower back.  Again, pause briefly at the end range of motion.  You can continue to cycle the movement with the breathing or pause for a breath cycle in the neutral position before performing the drill again.

Repeat the drill on the other side by returning to the starting quadruped position then step the opposite foot up beside the down hand and repeat the breathing and flexion/extension drill.