This exercise achieves upper mobility and lower body motor control in the half kneeling position.
Single Leg Supported KB Press
This is an upper body strength exercise while challenging single leg static motor control.
- Starting Position:
- Single Leg Supported
This is an upper body strength exercise while challenging single leg static motor control.
Set-Up: Begin in a Single Leg supported position by placing one foot in the center on an elevated surface such as a stool. Most of your weight is on the back foot, and the front foot should serve merely as a balance while the grounded leg is the driver of the exercise. Narrow or widen the base to challenge stability at an appropriate level. Maintain an upright posture with a level pelvis.
Action: Sniff air into abdomen raise the kettlebells and rotate the forearms until vertical, and the palms face the shoulders. Once at the shoulder position immediately press the kettlebells overhead with an active exhale extending the elbows until the arms are straight but not locked.
Return: Sniff air in again and pull down with the lat as the elbow flexes and lower the weight to the rack position. If at any time posture and quality in the movement is compromised, reset and begin the movement again. Repeat for the desired repetitions.
Related Exercises
This is an upper body dynamic exercise in the single leg stance position.
This is an advanced lunge movement performed with weights held in the rack position and challenges strength and proprioception in this pattern.