Updates to the Functional Movement Screen: An Insider Interview with FMS Co-founders
Written by FMS FMS
FMS co-founders, Gray Cook and Lee Burton, introduce the updates and changes to the Functional Movement Screen, and why its evolution will redefine the way you evaluate and train your clients.
MEMBERS: Get access to the Screen changes here.
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Exploring Functional Movement
Posted by Gray Cook
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Tony Books Avilez, MES, CSCS, CES 2/26/2020 5:47:10 PM
I appreciate the changes you have addressed. I know this will aid in improved outcomes. Has the change been reflected on the app as yet?
FMS 2/26/2020 5:54:26 PM
These changes were integrated into the FMS Pro on the same day this article was released. You can go there and check them out now!
peter 2/26/2020 5:45:52 PM
Thank you for this follow up discussion, particularly the detailed explanation around the changes to the rotary stability test. It makes a lot of sense and I look forward to implementing it soon.